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JUNE - JULY 2019

Dignity of Labour

Things have a price and can be for sale, but people have a dignity that is priceless and worth more than things

– Pope Francis

From the physical labours of a farm-hand to the white-collar job as an executive, all forms of work, manual or intellectual, are important. The work of a cultivator, a miner, an artisan is as respectable as the work of a clerk, a teacher, a doctor or a lawyer. Every job that is dutifully done with honesty and sincerity deserves appreciation.

A laborious man is honest and preserving. He lives a hard life, may not earn a lot of money but can look at any man in the face, for he owes no one anything. He may be forced to struggle each day to survive, but he is a real hero in the battle of life.

A nation that doesn’t give importance to the dignity of manual labour cannot prosper and lags behind progressive nations. Labour is at the source of the power of a nation. The material prosperity of a country depends on the progress of agriculture, industry and trade. The labour of ordinary labourers working in the fields, mines, mills and factories, leads to the prosperity of the country.

Even educated young men should not hesitate to do all sorts of laborious work. They have felt there is dignity in labour. They must earn their bread instead of being a burden to others. An ordinary labourer without education is better than an idle educated man because he earns his bread with the sweat of his brow. His work is as sacred as worship is to God. It fosters a spirit of cooperation, self-help and promotes moral growth.

Mahatma Gandhi set an example of humility and pride in any kind of work. He cut his own hair, washed his own clothes, cooked his own food and went on foot from place to place. He travelled with the masses in a third class railway coach. If a man we consider the ‘Father of the Nation’, could do it without any qualms, why not us? Let us not look down upon any laborious task. Instead look up to the worth of work. Let us not look at any profession as menial.

I call myself a labourer because I take pride in calling myself a spinner, weaver, farmer and scavenger.

– Mahatma Gandhi


In Personal life
I will

  • believe all labour has dignity and will not feel hesitant to do any work. No work is small or big.
  • say yes to quality education and no to child labour.
  • always stand for what is right for labour, even if it means standing alone.
  • treat every labour with respect and dignity.
  • consider my work as my privilege.

At Home
I will

  • do my bit of the chores such as washing my uniform, polishing my shoes, arranging my study table and cupboard.
  • not order my domestic workers but talk to them politely and with respect.
  • carry my own plates into the kitchen after a meal.
  • put washed and ironed clothes back into my closet
  • help my mother in the kitchen, dust the house and fetch groceries.
  • clean the floor if I created the mess as it is not the duty of the maid alone. Self help is the best help.

In School
I will

  • respect those who make an honest living, no matter how.
  • keep my classroom clean by using the correct bins for disposing litter.
  • will switch off the lights and fans when not in use.
  • keep my school canteen area clean by sincerely being a part of the cleanliness drive.
  • clean up my lab instruments and area after practicals.
  • arrange the books in the library.

AUGUST - 2019


Your attitude determines your altitude.

Long ago in Agra, a traveller visited a construction site and asked the labourers a simple question, “What are you doing?” One man replied, “I’m dragging this huge stone and it’s breaking my back.” A second man said, “I am working in this heat to earn some money, and when I get it I’ll be happy.” The third man beamed at being asked the question and told the traveller, “I am building the most beautiful monument of love, the Taj Mahal.” All the three labourers were doing the same thing; the difference was in their attitude. Their attitude decided their happiness.

Albert Einstein said: “Weakness of attitude becomes a weakness of character.”

A positive attitude is simply a way of responding to life in a manner that allows us to accept the challenges and continue through life with a healthy mind. Maintaining a positive attitude can have a beneficial effect on our mental health and our ability to deal with stress. It improves people’s coping skills when faced with challenges or adversity. A right attitude towards things can make us happier and more resilient, improve our relationships and can increase our chances of success in any endeavour.

John Mitchell says,“Our attitude towards life determines life ‘s attitude towards us.”

Our life is a reflection of our attitude. We become what we think. Our thoughts can make a difference to how we feel and how we live. Life can be incredibly beautiful, if we think so, if we decide so.

James Allen: “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”

Whenever you find yourself thinking, “Why is this happening to me?’ choose to have a ZEN attitude. Ask yourself, ‘What am I supposed to learn or gain from this?’ or ‘How will this help me grow and become a better, more enlightened being?’

Abraham Lincoln: “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”

If our attitude is one of blaming and complaining, we become less satisfied with the world around us, and thus unhappy and dejected. Everyone wants to be happy. The easiest trick to always be happy is to nurture an attitude of gratitude. Count your blessings, however small or insignificant they may be, and be thankful for having experienced them.


In My Personal life
I will

  • Develop a positive attitude to shape my thoughts and actions
  • Face failures as stepping stones to success
  • Accept the problems and find positive solutions
  • Take responsibility for my happiness
  • Smile, and spread smiles. Revel in the happiness of others
  • Relish small pleasures of life.

At home
I will

  • Have a morning routine that boosts attitude prayer, meditation, exercise
  • Appreciate every member of the family
  • Contribute to household work cheerfully
  • Be kind and humble to the domestic help
  • Read books, watch movies, listen to music that gives out a positive message
  • Consider the happiness of others before my own.

At School
I will

  • Limit my complaints. Focus on the good in my friend, my teacher and the situation
  • Respect teachers and obey them
  • Develop an attitude of curiosity, to learn from every situation
  • Celebrate all festivals to promote religious harmony
  • Respect service staff and be polite to them
  • Not bully any classmate
  • Play for the honour of the school in sports activities

In Society
I will

  • Watch the words I use for myself and for others
  • Rejoice in the success of others.
  • Develop a winning attitude with sincere efforts
  • Contribute in the upkeep of orphanages.
  • Seek out those having a positive attitude.




It is improving the Quality of life for all within the capacity of nature

Development is vital for survival and comfort. In the prehistoric times man developed fire and he observed that fire helped him to survive the bitter cold. Here development aided survival. Man invented tools and his tools taught him that the tasks that required a lot of physical strength could be comfortably accomplished with his tools. As development progressed by leaps and bounds it got the better of mankind and man became its slave and also ruined nature and our environment.

“Praise be to you my Lord, through our sister, Mother Earth who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruits with coloured flowers and herbs,” wrote St. Francis of Assissi which once formed the crux of every culture worldwide but was forgotten when bitten by the bug of development.

Better late than never man woke up to the stark reality that if our Mother Earth is destroyed our survival is bleak but at the same time we cannot do without development. The pursuit of the middle way led to Sustainable development, a mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while ensuring the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.

“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed,” quoted Gandhiji. Had human race realised this and used from nature what one needed and not squeezed and extracted, we would have had a hearty and healthy world. We have misused our earth enough. Now let’s compensate.

We need to join hands and strive together to create a better world for today and for the future. Let us seriously think about the actions we can take to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. Remember even small steps can add up to big progress. Let us in our small way make progress on the big challenges faced in our world today.


We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children


In My Personal Life
I will

  • limit my needs.
  • use water economically.
  • take care of my things as it costs my parents’ toil to make them available to me.
  • take care of my health by exercising regularly or playing sport.
  • avoid use of goods made of animal parts.
  • use renewable and other clean energy resources.
  • protect and safeguard world’s cultural and natural heritage.

At home
I will

  • take food that I can consume and avoid wastage
  • convince my parents to install solar panels.
  • persuade my family to use LED lights and appliances that consume less energy.
  • recognize, value and be indebted to all that my family does for me.
  • help in waste management.
  • reduce the generation of waste through the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

In School
I will

  • actively participate in making ‘Food for Living’ a success.
  • participate and learn in ‘Mock Drills’.
  • create an environment conducive for learning.
  • avoid wasting paper, lend and borrow books instead of buying them.
  • promote peace and ensure safety of my schoolmates against bullies

In Society
I will

  • adopt a tree and plant more trees.
  • strive towards achieving Zero-waste.
  • avoid polluting water bodies like rivers, lakes, beaches.
  • keep my city/village/parks/public transport clean and safe.
  • encourage people to use water harvesting technology to preserve rain water.
  • support organizations that work to protect and restore water-related ecosystems.

OCTOBER - 2019

Developing Essential Skills


“l really believe that everyone has a talent, ability or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life.” – Dean Koonth

There were two men in a wood-chopping contest. They were tasked with chopping down as many trees in the forest as they could from sun-up to sun-down. The winner would be rewarded with both fame and fortune.

From morning till noon, both men steadily chopped and chopped. By noon they were neck and neck, but then one man took a break and stopped chopping. The other man saw this and thought to himself: “The lazy fool, he’s probably taken a break for lunch.”

He’s given me a chance to get ahead of him and I will without doubt win this contest!”

A while later the man got back to work. As the day continued he chopped more trees than his hard-working (and hungry) competitor and by mid-afternoon he had taken a clear lead.

When sundown came, the man who had taken the break at noon had chopped almost twice as many trees as the other man, who was drenched in sweat, hungry and exhausted.

“How did you beat me?” he asked puzzled. “You were lazier than I and even took a break for lunch!”

“Ah,” said the other man, “I did take a break, but it was during that break, that I sharpened my axe.”

Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of the most important presidents in American history.

He was well known for his energy and productivity. Abe Lincoln’s productivity secret was to use sharper tools to get the job done more efficiently.He said: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” It’s better to spend quality time finding and cultivating the best tools for any task.

We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or skill, it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have a constructive progress.While proficiencyin prose literacy – the threeR’s (reading, writing and arithmetic) is a mandate for becoming an educated, informed individual but for the workforce of today and tomorrow, more skills are required on the top of original three. These essential skills are the fundamental skills and the building blocks used to carry out work tasks and to learn new ones.

We should learn to design our way of life by involving communications, talent, creative ability, manual skill and technical knowledge. Habit is the

intersection of Knowledge(what to do), Skill (how to do) and Desire (want to do). If you are willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life. Real happiness lies in the completion of work using your own brains and skills. You are your greatest asset, continue to develop and learn new skills. Put your time, effort to groom your greatest asset. These are skills we can take wherever we go in life.

Education is not the learning of facts but the training of mind to think.

– Albert Einstein


In my personal Life
I will

  • make a decision to read books and to explore to learn new ideas and thinking.
  • do simple calculation by myself instead of depending on a calculator.
  • always try to understand others point of view and be a motivator in a group.
  • not fear or resist change but take it as something new to learn.
  • not let go any speaking opportunity to practice my communication skills.

At Home
I will

  • enjoy reading books for pleasure.
  • write cards to family and friends.
  • share ideas with family.
  • develop good relationship with parents and siblings.
  • be a mentor to other family members.

In School
I will

  • referencyclopaedia, dictionary etc. apart from the books related to syllabus to further my knowledge and vocabulary.
  • inculcate the art of good conversation with peers, teachers and service staff.
  • develop critical thinking, problem solving and decision making.
  • develop my writing skills by writing poems, articles on social issues.
  • utilize my time fruitfully.
  • work in groups and learn new things from my classmates.

In Society
I will

  • utilize my writing skills for spreading knowledgeand values.
  • use my oral communication skills to develop empathy with people.
  • use my creative thinking ability to develop various societal welfare programmes.
  • use my oral communication skills to promote ideas for innovation across the society.


Imbibing Values

Catch Them Young


“To educate a person in mind and not morals is to create a menace to society.”

Values are guiding principles or standards of behaviour which are regarded desirable, important and held in high esteem by a particular society in which a person lives. They are what we use to guide our interactions with others in our personal as well as professional life. Our values are a reflection of our character. The course of an individual’s life depends upon what he learns in his childhood. It is the prime responsibility of the parents and teachers to imbibe values in young children so that they can develop the sense of right and wrong.

“Love thy neighbor as you love thyself” The Bible

Go beyond I, Me, Myself. Moral values are a reflection of an individual’s character and personality. Respecting our elders, neighbours, the sick and other people within society helps us to enhance relationships.

“Fill the brain with highest thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you and out of that will come great work”- Swami Vivekananda

Strong moral values is the mainstay of all religions. Create an aura of amicability, goodness and happiness around yourself; Learn to share your blessings, communicate good thoughts; rejoice in others’ happiness. Experience the richness of life by giving more than what you yearn to receive. Be honest. Goodness always comes from good thinking. Meditate on the greatness of God to be blessed with good thinking. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Pray for the well being, prosperity and happiness of all.

Today is the time to restart our quest for a better, nobler us, to ride over our petty, narrow goals, to rise above jealousy and suspicion, to grow in values and glow in the aura of compassion.

If wealth is lost nothing is lost.
If health is lost something is lost.
If character is lost everything is lost.
Best of all things is character.

– Mahatma Gandhi


In my personal life
I will

  • become honest and sincere in my work
  • develop a positive attitude towards work and people
  • accept failures/weaknesses and identify ways to overcome them
  • strive towards excellence and compete with myself rather than others
  • learn to appreciate others
  • try to become self-disciplined, self-reliant
  • not use foul /abusive / unpleasant language
  • become thrifty and not waste things

In Family
I will

  • respect my grandparents, parents and all elders
  • be polite with helpers
  • appreciate younger/elder siblings and encourage them
  • never tell lies
  • confide in my parents and trust their help, support and guidance
  • take part in household responsibilities
  • keep my room/study area clean
  • not waste time on social media
  • plan my time responsibly and allocate adequate time for self-study

In School
I will

  • be regular and punctual to school
  • be courteous and respectful to teachers
  • be polite and helpful to service staff
  • protect environment by not spoiling/damaging school property
  • not bully my juniors/classmates
  • maintain proper discipline in the class
  • use my talent and creativity for self-growth and bring glory to school

IN Society
I will

  • promote harmony and spirit of common brotherhood
  • never hurt others’ self esteem
  • not spread or believe in rumours
  • abjure violence
  • respect and follow traffic rules

I will work for harmony at home, order in nation and peace in the world.




Emotional Maturity is when we can be grateful for the things that did not work out as planned.

– Gail Lynne Goodwin

Emotional maturity refers to one’s ability to understand and manage one’s emotions.  It enables one to create the life one desires  a life filled with happiness and fulfillment.

It is influenced by many factors, including an understanding of values, of attitudes and of society.

An emotionally mature person has experienced the spectrum of emotions, understands the consequences of each and knows the benefits of being in control of them. They do not fall into a panic trying to determine what that feel, and how they should react. They know and they manage themselves accordingly.

One of the things that stand in most people’s way from reaching emotional maturity is learning how to deal with stress. To have emotional maturity means to have developed, to some extent, the characteristics listed below.

  • Empathy It is the ability to identify, and relate to, the emotions of Having empathy for others is also a form of respect and it makes one more approachable.
  • Accountability Part of being emotionally mature means being able to admit your mistakes when you are wrong, and face the consequences with understanding and dignity.
  • Self Awareness It is one of the foundations of emotional maturity. People who are self aware tend to be better at taking criticism. This is because they are often more critical of themselves to begin with, being more perceptive of their own actions and emotions.
  • Flexibility It means understanding that not everything is going to go our way, and that’s just a fact of life. Being able to make compromises, especially when it involves other people, is a sure sign of emotional maturity.
  • Healthy Confidence Confidence is one of the elements that makes up emotional maturity, but it has to be healthy. Too much confidence can border into arrogance. Not enough confidence can fall into a self esteem.

The main purpose of education is to balance the physical, emotional and social activities of a student so as to create student sustainability.

Emotional maturity makes one live his life completely and in the right way.


In Personal Life
I will

  • plan my life by setting goals and remain flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • try to get along with others by being empathetic, accepting encouraging, cheerful, thankful, cooperative and helpful.
  • think before I act.
  • be patient and persevere till I achieve.
  • be emotionally strong and balanced in every situation.

At Home
I will

  • be more understanding towards others.
  • empathize with my elders.
  • be loving and caring towards my siblings.
  • share responsibilities and duties.
  • follow the advice and suggestions given by my elders.
  • treat the domestic helps with respect.

In School
I will

  • assist in creating a safe school environment.
  • try to become a proactive member of the school, and participate in activities leading to positive self awareness.
  • help my teachers in maintaining discipline through self awareness measures.
  • support those who are emotionally weak and need care and understanding.

In the Society

  • will
  • maintain healthy relations with people around me.
  • control my anger and will learn to behave in a mature manner.
  • take the responsibility and be accountable for my actions.
  • help others the underprivileged, needy and try to enhance their quality of life.
  • cooperate in the activities taken up by the society for its betterment.

JANUARY - 2020



Our future growth “relies on competitiveness and innovation, skills and productivity and these in turn rely on the education of our people.

– Julia Gillard

Our school motto ‘KNOWLEDGE, SERVICE, CHARITY’ makes us committed towards a better future with care and compassion being the indispensable ingredients of a civilized life.

Our global challenges enjoin us now to call for the unity of head, heart and hand. Key issues such as insufficient infrastructure, kids not receiving proper education, gender inequality, exploding population, clean surroundings etc., need to be addressed for a better future. Collaboration between the government, industries, NGOs, researchers and common man is the need of the hour.

In the present scenario of rising intolerance, its imperative to sensitize society so that peace and harmony prevail. For a sustainable future, it is necessary for education to be imparted to one and all.

Education plays a vital role in building a sustainable future, thus emphasising that education in all its forms and all levels is not only an end in itself but is one of the most powerful instruments required to bring about changes in the society.

Education is not only a right, but a passport to a better future. Fernando Cardoso

The need of the hour is to make necessary changes in our values, thinking, behaviour and lifestyles. We should adopt a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to develop knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable future. We need to empower women and men young and old, to make decisions and act in ways that are culturally appropriate and locally relevant. We, millenials, should be responsible for our voice, for the innovations and new technologies and for our actions.

The future of peace and prosperity
that we seek for all the world’s peoples
needs a foundation of tolerance,
security, equality and justice.

– Kofi Annan


In my personal Life
I will

  • actively participate in all the educational programmes and co-curricular activities.
  • equip myself with skills.
  • not misuse technology.
  • include a fitness regime in my daily routine.
  • promote Van-mahotsava

At Home
I will

  • spend time with my grandparents, parents and siblings.
  • encourage the use of indigenous products.
  • nurture nature and be eco-friendly.
  • nurture nature and be eco-friendly.
  • judiciously use water and electricity.
  • practise charity in thought, words and deeds.

In School
I will

  • be compassionate and considerate towards my peers.
  • share my knowledge with others especially with the weaker students.
  • inculcate reading habit by making the best use of the library.
  • display team spirit.
  • committed to my goals and dreams.
  • recognize and wish the service staff.

In Society
I will

  • promote the Swach Bharat Abhiyan.
  • create awareness towards environmental degradation.
  • promote gender equality.
  • sensitize people towards increasing population.
  • be a better member of my community.
  • promote peace and harmony in society.




If you want peace work for social justice.’ ( St. Pope Paul VI)

In every human being is inherent the possibility of a consciousness that spontaneously encourages him to share with his fellow beings and live in peaceful harmony with the rest of the world. But when crushed under the weight of mental conventions and pretentions, it at times, changes into a destructive persuasive force. Although technologically we can say with pride that there are no more barriers, yet we have emerged as intellectual beings separated by walls of religion, race and social class. Hence the realization of peace and social justice becomes a goal of all true education.

‘Peace’ is when people are able to resolve their conflict without violence and can work together to improve the quality of their lives. To secure all citizens equality of status and opportunity and to promote among all, Fraternity, assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation, is ‘Social Justice’. Peace and social justice are interdependent. An individual has to disengage from himself and discover his unity with the rest of the world, for the dream of peace and social justice to come true.

‘A superficial peace based on the denial and suppression of basic human needs and rights is built on a foundation of quicksand.’ (Van Soest 1982 )

Lasting peace in the world can be achieved through the fulfillment of basic human needs and the proper distribution of goods and resources among all, irrespective of gender, caste, religion, nationality and race. In this nuclear age, the paramount requisite for ‘promoting the general welfare’ – is the prevention of nuclear war and the opposition to violence in all its forms. The realization of this goal will require a diversion of basic resources from the destruction of life and towards the improvement of those physical and social conditions that are basic to the support of human life.

It is the dreams of childhood that become the realities of mature age. So the first task for us would be to learn to identify ourselves with others, to feel as they do. This ethical mission should become an essential part of all education, public and private, elementary through high school and universities. A curriculum that values and fosters peace education and provides for tangible experiences would promote conviction in the human rights of all people and mutual respect among all national, cultural and religious groups.

To hope for a true change in society is irrational without a change in human nature. As it is indispensable in every transformation, the need of the hour is an ardent will to rise and act against conflicts and a resurgence of interest in all. We should cross barriers of prejudice, leave behind conflict and segregate and embrace equality and oneness.

It is never too early to begin; never too late to continue…

‘Peace is more important than all justice and peace was not made for the sake of justice but justice for the sake of peace.'(Martin Luther)


In My Personal Life
I will

  • be sensitive towards others’ feelings.
  • practice compassion and kindness.
  • appreciate the uniqueness of others.
  • be sensitive to moral and social issues.
  • not be judgmental.

At Home
I will

  • spend time in meditation and silent introspection.
  • avoid arguments with family members and try to understand their point of


  • not bully my younger ones.
  • discuss social issues and get information through books and media.
  • show no discrimination towards anyone.

In School
I will

  • spend some of my leisure time to learn about different social customs and traditions.
  • encourage my friends to respect all religions and languages.
  • be a peace-maker when I find my friends quarrelling.
  • appreciate the goodness in my classmates and others.
  • not offend anyone with my words and deeds.

In Society
I will

  • involve myself in programmes aimed at the upliftment of the poor.
  • not spread rumours about anyone.
  • celebrate the festivals of all religions.
  • help my neighbours whenever they are in need.
  • raise my voice against injustice and unfairness




‘There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.

– Swami Vivekananda

Today’s woman is a highly self-directed person, alive to the sense of her dignity and the importance of her functions in the private domestic domain and the public domain of the world of work. Women are rational in approach, careful in handling and want to do things as best as possible. This has been a gradual process.

Empowering the women refers to increasing and improving the social, economic, political and legal strength of the women to ensure equal rights to women. The constitution of India had conferred many equal rights and opportunities; however just bringing legislations will not enhance the status of women. She is still under the influence of oppressive traditions, superstitions, exploitation and corruption. One of the major reasons for this state of affairs is the lack of literacy and awareness among women. Education is the main instrument through which we can narrow down the prevailing inequality and accelerate emancipation of women. Education & empowerment are closely related.

  • It is a paradox and although women constitute half of the Indian population and supposedly enjoy a high social position in the family, not much attention is given to girl education. The current proactive steps like ‘BetiBachao, BetiPadhao’ are in the right direction.

“We cannot all succeed if half of us are held back” – Malala Yousafzai

Deep foundations of equality should be built in the minds of the people. The investment in education of women is a better investment in human capital than investment in education of men.

Charles Malik rightly said ‘The fastest way to change the society is to mobilize the women of the world.’

“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women” Kofi Annn


In My Personal Life
I will

  • boost self esteem of a woman by complimenting and praising her.
  • teach girls and women, essential skills like taking care of themselves physically, emotionally and financially.
  • stop watching movies and listening to songs that degrade women.
  • Will respect my mother, sisters and all women in general.

At Home
I will

  • help the women in my family to freely live their life with a sense of self-worth, respect and dignity.
  • support them to have complete control of their life, both within and outside of their home and work place.
  • encourage them to make their own choices and decisions.
  • empower them to determine financial and economic issues.

In School
I will

  • honour and respect women in every way.
  • change the attitude of boys towards girls to respect their abilities.
  • promote girls to take part in co-curricular activities.
  • appreciate the talent of girls.
  • not be gender biased.

In Society
I will

  • treat all women fairly in the society.
  • promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy.
  • ensure that women get a safe and comfortable position in society.
  • ensure that all women get equal rights and social justice.
  • connect a woman with another woman to form social network that inspires and opens doors of opportunity.

June                  Be a light to the World        
July                   Dignity of Labour
August            Right Attitude
September    Sustainable Development
October          Developing Essential Skills
November     Imbibing Values
December     Emotional Maturity
January         Commitment Towards a better future
February       Peace and Social Justice
March             Empowering Women empowering Humanity
April                Go Green
May                 Stay focused on Goal